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Fortifications - Tyranids - Xenos


Sporocyst - 5+ 5+ * 6 12 * 7 4+


A Sporocyst is a single model armed with five deathspitters.

Profils des armes

Range Type S AP D Abilities Coût
Barbed strangler 36'' Assault D6 5 -1 1 You can add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when attacking a unit with 10 or more models. 15 pts
Deathspitter 18'' Assault 3 5 -1 1 - 8 pts
Spore node 9'' Heavy 1 - - - See Spore Node, below. 0 pts
Venom cannon 36'' Assault D3 8 -1 1 - 9 pts

Tableau de dégâts

Remaining W
S A -
7-12+ 5 D6 -
4-6 4 D3 -
1-3 3 1 -

Options d'équipement

This model may replace all of its deathspitters with either five barbed stranglers or five venom cannons.


Instinctive Behaviour.

Bombardment Organism :
During deployment, you can set up a Sporocyst in its hive ship instead of placing it on the battlefield. If you do so, at the beginning of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, the hive ship can launch the Sporocyst - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.

Bio-fortress :
A Sporocyst can shoot with its weapons even if there are enemies within 1" of it.

Immobile :
A Sporocyst cannot move for any reason.

Psychic Resonator :
If a Sporocyst is within range of a friendly <HIVE FLEET> unit's Synapse ability (pg 85), the Sporocyst has the Synapse ability.

Spore Node :
Each time a spore node attack hits its target, roll a D6 to find out how much damage is inflicted on the unit; on a 1 the mines fail to inflict any harm, on a 2-5 they inflict D3 mortal wounds, and on a 6 they inflict D6 mortal wounds.

Each time a spore node attack misses its target, set up a single Mucolid Spore or a unit of up to 3 Spore Mines, anywhere within 6" of the target unit and more than 3" from any enemy model (any models that cannot be placed are destroyed). These then follow the rules for Mucolid Spores (pg 102) or Spore Mines (pg 103) that are part of your army, but they cannot move or charge during the turn they were set up.

Death Throes :
If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6, it lashes out in its death throes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Valeurs en points

Taille Min.
Taille Max. Coût en pts Rôle
1 fig(s) 1 fig(s) 79 pts Fortifications

Faction keywords TYRANIDS - <HIVE FLEET>