An Imperial Defence Line consists of 2 trench sections and up to 4 end sections, or 3 defence emplacement sections and up to 2 additional end sections. All sections must be set up so that they are in end-to-end contact with at least one other WALL OF MARTYRS model.
Static Defence Network :
After it is set up, an Imperial Defence Line is treated as a terrain feature. It cannot move for any reason, is not treated as a friendly or enemy model, and cannot be targeted or affected by any attacks or abilities.
Stalwart Defence :
IMPERIUM INFANTRY units add 1 to their Leadership whilst they are within an Imperial Defence Line.
Defence Line :
INFANTRY units within an Imperial Defence Line, and behind it from the point of view of the firing unit, receive the benefit of cover.
When charging a unit within an Imperial Defence Line, the charge is successful if the charging unit can move within 2" of that unit. When resolving fights between units on opposite sides of an Imperial Defence Line, units can be chosen to fight and make their attacks if the enemy is within 2" instead of the normal 1".
Taille Min. | Taille Max. | Coût en pts | Rôle |
1 fig(s) | 1 fig(s) | 85 pts | Fortifications |
Faction keywords UNALIGNED