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Tidewall Droneport

Fortifications - T'au Empire - Xenos


Tidewall Droneport 6'' - - - 7 10 - - 4+


A Tidewall Droneport is a single model. It is fitted with up to 4 Tactical Drones (see below).


Fortification :
A Tidewall Droneport cannot move independently (see below), nor can it fight in the Fight phase. Enemy models automatically hit this model in the Fight phase - do not make hit rolls. However, friendly units can still target enemy units that are within 1" of this model.

Mobile Defence Platform :
If a friendly T'AUEMPIRE INFANTRY unit is embarked on a Tidewall Droneport at the beginning of your Movement phase, you may move it in the Movement phase. A Tidewall Droneport cannot Advance or charge.

Open-topped :
Models embarked on this model can attack in their Shooting phase. Measure the range and draw line of sight from any point on this model. When they do so, any restrictions or modifiers that apply to this model also apply to its passengers; for example, the passengers cannot shoot if this model has Fallen Back in the same turn, the passengers cannot shoot (except with Pistols) if this model is within 1" of an enemy unit, and so on.

Drone Control Systems :
When you set up a Tidewall Droneport, you can also set up a unit of up to 4 Tactical Drones in the slots in the Droneport. These Drones begin the battle fully automated - they automatically shoot in each of your Shooting phases. If there is a friendly T'AUEMPIRE INFANTRY unit embarked on the Droneport at the beginning of your Movement phase, you can take control of the Drones, which then detach from the Droneport and act as a separate unit that is part of your army. In addition, while a friendly T'AUEMPIRE INFANTRY unit is embarked on the Droneport, the Tactical Drones activated in this way can use that unit's Ballistic Skill instead of their own when making shooting attacks. If the Droneport is destroyed before the Drones are activated, they are destroyed as well.

Explodes :
If a Tidewall Droneport is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a dice before removing the model from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Building :
This model can transport any number of T'AUEMPIRE INFANTRY CHARACTERS and one other T'AU EMPIRE INFANTRY unit, but no more than 10 models in total.

Valeurs en points

Taille Min.
Taille Max. Coût en pts Rôle
1 fig(s) 1 fig(s) 70 pts Fortifications

Faction keywords T'AU EMPIRE - <SEPT>